Freitag, 15. Mai 2009

First Entry

Hello everyone reading this first entry of my new blog! I will list videos, links and all stuff, concerning the music that I like. Mainly I listen to Rap, but I am also into Rock and all in all I like many kinds of music. I am from Germany and as a consequenz there will be some grammatical problems in my sentences. Anyways, I hope you can enjoy reading my Blog!

I will also publish articles that are written in German from time to time, but essentially I will write in English.

In the next time there will be many updates of the page and I will work on the design a whole lot.

Music is love and passion... John Miles would agree with me!

3 Kommentare:

  1. I really don't know what i do have to comment here but i want to leave dear greetings
    keep on doing this, visiting you soon again
    amicalement, coco-fleur:P

  2. voila, ton premier commentaire en francais ;) felicitations :P j'espere que tu comprends au moins la moitié de ce que je suis en train de te dire^^ je trouve ca une idee superbe, continue comme ca et tt le monde regardera ton blog le plus souvent possible.
    biz, Judith
